Intimate relationships play a central role in women’s lives. After all, experiencing a deep bond with a loved one is critical for a woman’s sense of identity and emotional well-being.
Finding true love, however, has its challenges and adversities. You may, for instance, experience infidelity in your relationship, have a partner who fails to respect your boundaries, or feel deeply sad and lonely in your marriage. You may be a woman whose relationship is crumbling, or is enduring the end of a marriage. You could also have strong desire to marry, but have been left disappointed in your search for love.
In Woman to Woman you will learn about women who have experienced such challenges, as well as those who were able to find fulfillment in their romantic relationships. In their own words, they talk about marriage, sex,
infidelity, divorce, and single life. Entwined within their stories, Dr. Granzotto discusses critical issues that characterize a healthy intimate relationship. In the same way that a woman speaks intimately to another, she provides her expert knowledge and insight that will empower you with a better understanding of yourself and your love life.
Finding true love, however, has its challenges and adversities. You may, for instance, experience infidelity in your relationship, have a partner who fails to respect your boundaries, or feel deeply sad and lonely in your marriage. You may be a woman whose relationship is crumbling, or is enduring the end of a marriage. You could also have strong desire to marry, but have been left disappointed in your search for love.
In Woman to Woman you will learn about women who have experienced such challenges, as well as those who were able to find fulfillment in their romantic relationships. In their own words, they talk about marriage, sex,
infidelity, divorce, and single life. Entwined within their stories, Dr. Granzotto discusses critical issues that characterize a healthy intimate relationship. In the same way that a woman speaks intimately to another, she provides her expert knowledge and insight that will empower you with a better understanding of yourself and your love life.